Friday, March 21, 2008

My thoughts on Blogs

I hope to become more familiar and confident in using lifelong learning programs. Having little experience with social networking I can see the benefits it provides, particularly using blogs in the work environment.

Lifelong learning is important for everyone to keep your mind active and in touch with new technology. Use it or lose it applies now more than ever.

I have located a number of library's blogs. Some useful blogs include homework helpers where resources to assist students with assignments or projects have been developed. An example of information sharing and advantages of blogs. At my library I can see an ideal opportunuty to do something similar. Perhaps a HSC blog for sharing information, ideas and resources.

Blogs also have a place for social purposes and I acknowledge that they are becoming very popular. I, however, cannot see myself using a blog for communicating on a social level. I prefer to use my social time for other interests.